Venue Database

Based on your selection, the following venues are returned. You can use the search function to subset the datatable below by venue name, type, postcode, constituency, or ward. Please note: your selections here do not alter the selections on the main venue map.

Venues in Birmingham Parliamentary Constituences, by Venue Type

Based on your selection, the following information is returned


The Birmingham Live Music (BLMP) research programme examines the impact of shifts in the globalized music economy and national level changes on localised cultural, social and economic actors from the perspective of Birmingham. Its aims are to inform the public, policy-makers, and the different stakeholders involved of these effects, along with best practices and possible solutions to the different challenges faced by the globalised live music industry on a local scale.

The programme aims at a detailed mapping of the live music ecosystem in Birmingham, deploying elements of the established ‘live music census’ methodologies (replicable surveys of audiences, musicians, venues and promoters, interview and observational data, stakeholder consultation) to produce tailored qualitative and quantitative data and recommendations in the Birmingham and West Midlands context, and contribute to a broader picture of the UK’s place in the global live music economy.

Visit our website for more information.

Research Team

Dr Patrycja Rozbicka (Aston University)

Dr Adam Behr (Newcastle University)

Dr Craig Hamilton (Birmingham City University)


'The UK Live Music Industry in a post-2019 era: A Globalised local perspective’ is funded by the Creative Industries Policy and Evidence Centre (PEC) which is led by Nesta and funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council .

About this app

This application was built by Dr Craig Hamilton for the BLMP project. It is a Shiny web app built in the R environment. See this post for more information and a discussion of the process.